Thursday, December 29, 2005

Goals for 2006

Hmmm....Where should I start? Here's a few...
First, I want to work on my posing. I was told by a close friend that I have a national level physique, but I pose at the state level. It's true. I learned how to pose from guys...I need to learn to pose like a woman!
I need to balance out my back. Meaning, I need more development in my middle and lower back as well as my rear delts. I want to be harder this year....More muscle maturity.
I want to win my weight class at the Jr. Nationals in Chicago. My boyfriend will be doing it too, we want to bring home 2 trophies!
I'm going to finish my EMT-B class and pass the Ohio and National registry tests. Then in August, I'll start the medic school. Hopefully, by then I'll have an EMS career started.
I also have to plan a wedding shower and survive my sister's wedding in July! (I'm the maid of honor!)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A few...

Above is Sept. 04

LOOK at the muscle imbalance in my chest! I'm working hard to make that better! Every year will be better and better.

Left is Sept. 05

PLEASE Use Good Form!

I can't stress enough how important good form is on ANY exercise!
This morning, my training partner, another guy and I did chest. The other guy wanted to do the same weight my partner does, but his form was NOT GOOD! So I made him go lighter and do the exercise correctly. NO SHOULDERS PLEASE! I think I may have been a little harsh about it though, I told him to what weight to do and I forced him into the correct body positioning.! It helped!- He then had good form! I don't know how he wiggled his body into some of those positions, but he was just going hurt himself or develop more huge muscle imbalances.
The lesson is: If your training for bodybuilding, be sure to use the correct form and muscles. The amount of weight doesn't matter if you can't do an exercise correctly!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas is Here!

I trained hard this morning. Today made 6 days of lifting in a row...I think I may be over trained a bit. Oh well, I've got 2 full days of rest coming! No cardio. No training. Just eating, sleeping and a lot of studying to do. (I have a big exam coming up very soon.)

I decided that January 2nd will begin my "pre-precontest diet." I am going to be cleaning up my food drastically and getting in a set routine again. Then, when I start the diet (2nd week of Feb.) I'm ready to jump in full force. Until then, I'm going to enjoy that holiday feasts!
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I did the 100 rep leg workout this morning! (Got the idea from the article mentioned in an earlier entry.) One hundred leg extensions, then 30 leg presses and finally 100 hamstring curls. TWO sets of that circle. It's not that you reach failure, it just burns!
Tomorrow is shoulders and Saturday will be arm day.

I'm feeling pretty sore this week. Not to mention... I am really tired from my long week with workouts , school and work. Couldn't take my normal rest day because of Christmas. Can't wait for the weekend of rest and food!

Have a Great Holiday.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Dwell on Things Too Much

Today was back day. It was a good one. Started with 6 sets of pullups (wide and close grip), then this great "tractor pull" machine. I love the deep squeezes and stretches you get with those 2 exercises. Next, were pull overs and then finally rack pulls. I am normally pretty strong on deadlifts, so I was excited to rack pull. Plus, I was training with 2 guys and really wanted to push myself to a weight close to theirs. Four sets and so far so good, then the fifth and last set I messed up. I lost concentration on the 2nd rep with 275lbs on the bar! For some reason I just quit in the middle of the set. I was going for 6 reps and quit on 2! Ahhh! So, I stepped back and tried it again, but never got back into the set. I did 2 more reps and stopped. What a terrible way to end a good workout. I have thought about it all day.

About 2 months ago I decided to deadlift 315lbs. That was my goal. I missed it 3 times (in 3 consecutive weeks) before I finally got it! I shouldn't have missed it 3 times. It's all mental. I knew I could do it, but I didn't. Why do I have this problem with deadlifting only?

Okay...I'll stop dwelling now that I got that off my chest.

Happy Holidays to Everyone!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

It's a Love/Hate relationship

I keep eating cookies and brownies...and I'm not even hungry! I just love sweets too much! But I hate the way they make me feel.. sick.....fat...high...low!
Can't wait for Christmas and the New Year, but can't WAIT for the holidays to be over.

Fun Chest Workout

This morning my partner and I were joined by another guy for chest day. It was pretty good, I felt stronger this week than last. At the end of the workout my partner mentioned some things he's done for chest in the past. For example, in the push up position with 1 arm on the floor extended and the other arm bent on a block (about 1 foot high). Then explode using the arm on the block and switch arm positions. So you'll end up in the same push up position, but the other arm is on the block. It's all about speed and that burst of strength! Does that make sense? Ultimately, it's like a 1 arm SUPER push up. Anyway, we tried it, but I couldn't do it because I was already fried from our workout. I can't wait to try it during my contest prep.

Monday, December 19, 2005

The Holidays are Coming!

I love this season, minus the cold. I love cookies and cakes and presents. Almost everyone is in a good mood!
I get Friday and Monday off work! Hooray!- 2 extra days to relax, sleep, workout and eat! All of my favorite things. I've got to cut back on the sweet snacking though, I keep sampling all of the treats here in the office and then eat more food when I get home.
Oh well, I'll have to work harder in the gym this week!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Back Day!

Today was back day! My favorite day because you can't see your back, you have to train by feeling.
I really want to focus on the balance of my back during this offseason. I think my traps are too powerful. I've got to work on developing my lats, middle and lower back.

This pic is from the North Americans in Sept.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Working on those legs....

Just had a great leg workout on Sunday. My boyfriend, Jack, was training his client and I slipped in with my partner. It's was great, a new way of training called ischmetrics. Very hard! (Look it up!)
I received a great article about leg spearation from a friend named Gerhard. Here it is:

Check it out.
Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Thinking about Upcoming Contest Prep!

Had a good back workout this morning!
Now down to business.... Let me know what you think!
I have decided to do the Jr. Nationals in 2006, so now, I need to be thinking about when I'm going to start the diet. There are 2 local shows that are a few weeks before that I will probably do, so should start early enough for those? Or, just plan 16 weeks from the Jr Nationals?
Also, does anyone know tricks to help bring me more leg separation?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tuesday Morning Chest Workout

Today was a good chest day! I worked out with a new guy and we really worked on squeezing the entire chest. We started on the Smith machine with a slight incline and the bar just below the chin. Six sets there and then off to the Hammer Strength wide chest machine. This was nice because we did one arm at a time with the other contracted and locked out. Finally, finished up with 4sets of flys and then 30 mins of cardio!
Tomorrow is my favorite day! BACK!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Training and Nutrition

I'm a competitive bodybuilder. Training and nutrition are important to me. This is my journal of my training and nutrition. You are welcome to make comments or ask any questions that you have about training and nutrition. Please share your own ideas, they will be helpful to me and to our readers.