Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am progressing SO WELL!! I am very pleased.

This is the first time since Guillian-Barre that I've really felt unable to get better quickly. I normally feel like I can walk it off, and even when I injured my knee, now 3 weeks ago, I felt like I could make a speey recovery.
Well, after the surgery, I feel differently. I don't feel like I can push it. I need to rest it, protect the graft and let my body heal.
I saw the surgeon today, he is very pleased! We discussed my rehab, we both want to be aggressive with my recovery, and so we hit it hard today!
The therapists are great! I can straighten my knee (which is a BIG accomplishment). I RODE the BIKE for 5 mins!!... SLOWLY...but I did it! I even did the leg press with 1 plate on 1 leg, the bad leg! How cool is that?!- I really didn't think I would be able.
It helps to have professionals help, push and guide me. They are helping me to put weight on it, slowly I am being weened off crutches. That will be a great day!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Surgery Went Well... Just Recoving Now

The surgery went well on Friday. But, man, that sucked. I couldn't do anything myself for a few days. I couldn't move without help. Even trying to roll or sit up was impossible, plus it hurt. I've just laid around sleeping the last few days.
This is Sunday, 2 days after surgery.

I went into physical therapy on Monday. That was fun! I met some great people and it felt so good to exercise. The exercises made my knee pretty sore that day. The next day (this morning) my leg was really swollen and even more sore. But I've iced and it's looking better.
This is today, Tuesday. Pretty huh?!

So, for the next 2 weeks, the plan is to do my exercises, try to get my quad firing correctly again and keep my leg straight. After that, hopefully I will be able to stand on it an keep progressing! Wish me luck on this long recovery!
These are some flowers my sister sent me from the "Oopsie Daisy Florist"- cute, huh?!

And, my monkey named, "Anterior Cruciate Funky Monkey Fix."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Surgery was pushed to Friday...good thing!

On Monday night, I started getting body-aches, like I had a fever. Then Tuesday morning I had a full blown sickness. Luckily, the surgeon called to say they had to reschedule my surgery to Friday because they were out of cadaver parts for me. Woo hoo... that was good because I needed a few days to get better. Today is Thursday and I feel much better!

So, surgery is tomorrow (Friday) at 6:00am! Then...the long road to recovery! I estimate I'll be back to normal in 3 months! That's pretty optimistic, but I can do it.

People think I'm paranoid because I keep saying my leg is getting a lot smaller.... Well...SEE!! (It's the one on the left.)
I'm not paranoid! It IS smaller!
I can't wait to use it again! Ahh!!!! I can't wait to train legs again one day.
I will update this again soon if I'm not too drugged up after surgery.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Wedding, My Birthday and American Gladiators Tryouts

Here is a picture of the birthday cake the bride gave me.

And the Groom's cake

How Cool Are These?! They were Yummy!

American Gladiator tryouts were yesterday, and as you know, I'm on crutches. I'm not to put weight on my leg, but I couldn't let this opportunity I went to the try outs. I waited in line for hours, met some really great and fun (some crazy) people.

When I finally got inside, the physical tryout consisted of 30 sec of pull ups, 30 secs of squat thrusts, (for reps) the agility ladder and a shuttle run. My timer/evaluator asked if I could even do any of this, I said, "OF COURSE!!"and asked him to hold my crutches.

I did my pull ups. Then to the squat thrusts, which I did on 1 foot. I did the agility ladder (in a handstand) on my hands. (The crowd started cheering me on, it was so much fun.) He said I didn't have to do the shuttle run... then he escorted me to an interview with a producer. The producer said she had read my application and can definitly tell I'm dedicated and driven, and there was no doubt in her head that I would have made it this season!!....but... and it's a big but, I have a torn ACL and will be having surgery in a few days. So, I need to recover and she will personally hold my file because there will be a season 3! That was so exciting and heart breaking at the same time.

I'm very happy I went. At least now, I know what could have been. I wouldn't have known unless I tried. So, look out! Because when I recover I'm going to be a bad mama-jama!

I went off-roading today. It was a beautiful 77 degrees and sunny. Perfect day!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The latest update.

I'm back in Phoenix, I had a great weekend...despite the crutches and the cold.
The wedding was amazing. It was great to see and spend time with my family and friends. I had a great birthday too.

I am seeing a surgeon tomorrow to schedule the surgery.

I am in good spirits, but I've got to tell you I'm totally frustrated. I'm nervous about being off work for a month, paying the bills, the recovery and my future. I know I need to do everything right, no cutting corners because I need to be back to 100%. (But that involves being sedentary, and that is TOUGH for me.) Bodybuilding and competing will be tough to do for a few years. This will just be another big obstacle for me. Nothing I can't overcome.

When you think about it; a reconstructive knee surgery is minor campared to obstacles some people face everyday. I still have a lot to be thankful for, because I will recover from this.

I just need some love and support through this. And, I have to send a huge THANK YOU to Bill. Thank you Bill for being so kind and thoughtful.