Not ready yet:
At 14 weeks out from the show, I have been experiencing daily sharp pains in my knee. This knee is just not ready. I would have to really hit the cardio hard in order to get to the conditioning I need to win this show. And, I can't go 100% on that knee.
My coach and a few other close friends helped me decide what to do. Do I go for it at 80% and just deal with the pain? Or, wait til I'm really ready, I mean really ready, mind, knee and body to go for it at 100%.. I, of course want to do the show in 14 weeks! I'll just deal with the pain, but my coach pointed out that was "Rookie talk." He's right.
After processing all of this, I realized I can't just hurry up and get ready for a show in 16 weeks anymore. Not if I want to be competitive in the sport and play with the big girls. I want to be a pro! Professional athletes take there time, prepare and get on stage at 100%. So, that's what I'm going to do.
Truthfully, I'm frustrated. I want to compete. I want to be healthy and just do it! But, as my coach says, I need to learn to respect the process. I have potential, but I need to be ready first.
I am going to continue to eat my meals, train my buns off and do my cardio and prepare like I'm getting ready for a show. Which show? Not sure yet.... but I know that when I step on stage I will be ready. I need that confidence to become a pro. I want to see how good I can be.
NOW....Great News!!
iForce Nutrition has decided to make me a part of their team! iForce is a relatively new company that's growing like crazy! They have great training products and I'm very excited to have a great sponsor!
I'm in the process of creating a bodyspace page on where I will have another blog for updates as part of the iForce Group. Look for weekly updates and pics! Look for us at the Olympia and Arnold! I'll be at the boothe!
That's all for now