Thursday, April 19, 2007

Yea, Leg Day is My Favorite!

I always seem to write after leg day. I guess it's because it's the only day that gets me so exhausted and shaky that I can't stand up or have to go straight home to take a nap. That sounds a little sick, huh.
Well, yesterday we set up a circuit or 4 exercises.

Regular leg press with 10 plates on for 15 reps.

After a quick rest, 45 degree leg press for as many reps as you can do.

Then to the Smith machine for some deep wide squats.

FINALLY, the best for last, horizontal leg press: 6 regular deep reps, 6 short reps at the bottom, 10 on 1 leg, 10 on the other, another 10 at the bottom and the 6 as hard and as fast as you can possibly push. It should feel like there's no way you can possible get to 6. Then, when you stand up, you're legs should burn so bad you can't do anything but wiggle and moan.

I did 6 sets. Ouch!

Then, calves, straight leg deadlifts and prone hamstring curls. When I got home I took a 45 minute nap.

I had my body fat % taken yesterday: 18.6% I think I'm going to try to loose a little body fat for the summer, I have a few vacations and a wedding in the next few months. (NO not my wedding!)

I'm not really going diet, I'm just going to add sprinting and agility workouts in throughout the week. I'll keep you posted!

Here's a picture from my shoot with James:


Blogger BT said...

You did 6 sets of that entire circuit? Were you able to maintain the same weight throughout?
That last exercise on the leg press is really 5 different moves in one right? So I guess the circuit was really 8 exercises?
Can you clarify Amy, cheers
Sounds brutal, would love to give it a go.

Brian, Dublin Ireland.

Blogger gerhard said...

Hey Amy - great workout!! Tried something similar yesterday and can barely walk today. Kind of scared by your energy level and your drive...:-) You are an remarable athlete and continue to amaze me!! All the best, keep in touch and keep hitting those legs HARD!!!


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