To BOOB or Not to BOOB?
I've been considering breast implants for a while now. I've never thought of myself as someone that needs them, but as I get older, I'm beginning to create my own style and develop my femininity. I'm learning to dress and carry myself less and less like a tom-boy and more like a twenty something independent athletic female. Plus, being a muscular female, I feel like I have to defend my femininity, I know that's not the case, but I think boobs will give me that little extra bit confidence!
I am looking at getting breast for a few reasons: self-esteem, fitting clothes better, improve my shape for bodybuilding, and of course FUN!!!!
I'm going for a consultation tomorrow. I'll let ya know how it goes! As much as hate it, I'm pretty sure it will come down to the money.
Give me your opinion!
PS... here are some more photos for ya!
To see the whole spread go to:
I'd vote no on the implants, but it doesnt really matter what I say, it comes down to what do you want? I don't see any reason you should have to abandon the tom-boy look. If you're gonna be the twenty-something athletic female, the shape you have is great for that!
Anyway, I'm gonna have to agree with the old saying 'Anything more than a hand full is a waste.' I think you look awesome the way you are! Just love the body you're in!
Good luck with your decision!
Hi Amy,
I have to refrain from offering an opinion on "To Boob or not to Boob" (since you look fantastic anyway) although one would have to admit that there can be a little more ,, well "symmetry" with them, as I noticed with an ex-girlfriend. Your hair looks great!
Are you kidding me? Your absolutely gorgeous! I'd proud to have you on my arm just the way you are!
Don't do it Amy.
You are beautiful as is. Truly beautiful.
Don't do it Amy.
You are beautiful as is. Truly beautiful.
Defend your femininity??? Your biceps are doing the job like no breast implant ever could. In fact, your abs, shoulders, pecs... every square inch of you screams femininity. Getting implants would be like drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa. I mean this literally, your body is a perfect work of art that no surgery could possibly improve. But in the end, it's still your decision.
Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Please, no breast implants! You are terrific already!
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