Thursday, February 23, 2006


So, for the last few weeks, I've felt kinda out 'a' wack. My bones have just felt crooked and my muscles felt kinda tight. I thought about going to the chiropractor, but I never made an appointment.
Well, yesterday was back day- we started with deadlifts. Six heavy sets- no problem. Then we went to this rowing machine and in the second set my I got this sharp pain in my sacrum (tailbone). It hurt so bad I had to lay down for a minute. A trainer tried to adjust me- nothing- and my butt still hurts!
I made an appointment with a chiropractor for Friday, but until then, every time I slightly bend over my butt hurts! Luckily, today is my rest day- but I'm training shoulders tomorrow morning! I'm just so mad! I don't get hurt! I think I train correctly and try to keep good form on everything, but somewhere I messed up and now my but hurts!

I'll keep ya posted.


Blogger Genex Magazine said...

Sorry to hear that. Hope the chiropractor can help you out. Keep us posted



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